Craft Kit Review: Annie’s card maker kit-of-the-month club
I love to make things from scratch, but that doesn’t mean I don’t sometimes like to do things “the easy way.” It’s kind of like vacations – you can plan your own trip from start to finish, or you can go on a cruise or to an all-exclusive resort. They’re both amazing – just different.
Sometimes you want to do it all yourself, and sometimes maybe you just want to relax more, or dip your toe into something before you go all in. Which brings me to the subject of this post: Craft Kits – and this time, I’ll be reviewing Annie’s Cardmaker Kit.

Looking for inspiration
There are so many ways to go about making or creating something. I have subscriptions to websites like craftsy, skillshare, and that teach and inspire me. Pinterest is a great starting point for me, as is just googling something for ideas. I have blogs I love that walk me through projects. The approach I choose depends on a number of things, such as 1) my comfort level with the craft 2) How much time I want to spend on a project 3) The tools I might already have or not have and 4) My mood that day.
Craft kits as a way to try a new hobby
I find pre-made craft kits particularly useful for trying out a new craft. A decade ago, I ordered an Annie’s jewelery kit, just for kicks. I was never really a jewelry person, but it sounded fun. It launched a seven year obsession with making jewelry. It was just what I needed to see whether I liked it or not, and I found that jewelry making was an infinitely creative and learning-focused craft. I don’t make much jewelry anymore, but that experience taught me that craft kits can be a great way to explore something new.
Since then, I’ve taken up and tried many new hobbies. I learned crochet several years ago from watching classes on Craftsy and also on YouTube. It’s currently my favorite hobby. It brings me a lot of joy. And even though I’m at an intermediate level at this point, I am currently doing another Annie’s project: the Moroccan Tile Crochet Afghan. I love it. They send me the yarn and the instructions, the designer has detailed videos, and I’ve learned a ton of new stitches. It’s not the cheapest alternative, and I’m ok with that. I’m not a good long hauler – I like quick projects where I can see results quickly. The monthly nature of the crochet club takes the pressure off and I just focus on one month at a time. It works for me.
So this winter, I decided to try a few newish hobbies. I love paper crafts and already have a ton of supplies. But I haven’t gotten too much into cardmaking, and I LOVE CARDS. I’m obsessed with cards. I have a stash of cards for every occasion, and even though I don’t send a ton of them, I love to look through them. They make me happy.
So, since I’m an Annie’s girl, I decided to try the Annie’s cardmaker kit, and I’m happy to share my experience. Note: This is not a sponsored post, and even if it was, I will always be completely honest whenever I review something. I think all products have an audience – it might be perfect for some people; not right for others; or not right at the particular time in someone’s life. So just because I say it’s good or bad, it’s just my experience.

What I liked about the cardmaker kit
The first kit came with some basic supplies. I always love this because when you’re just starting out, it’s a giant p.i.t.a. to find the right supplies, and you’re never really sure if you’re getting the right thing. So they sent me some stamping supplies – an acrylic block and some stamps and an inkpad. Also various prescored paper shapes, and some adornments like brads and glitter.
It also came with an instruction manual.
So lots of supplies and ideas.
What I didn’t like so much
The directions seemed easy enough, but I cut the paper the wrong direction at first, and honestly made a ton of rookie mistakes. This annoyed me and frustrated me. In fact, after the first session I was convinced I hated card making!
The other issue for me is that I didn’t really love the designs. I was actually ok with this because I thought, as long as I learned some basic techniques, I could just do whatever I wanted. I don’t have children in my life except my nephews who are now teenagers, so a lot of the designs just seemed a bit juvenile. Totally appropriate for lots of people – just not me.
So I did what I do best and I improvised. I needed a card for my nephew who was just turning 15. knew he wouldn’t want a fussy, cutesy card, so I used one of the papers and just made a very simple card that seemed right for him. And that’s when I started to appreciate the materials in the kit, and versatility of making what you like. I also love the fact that I don’t have to go out and choose all the various papers and embellishments).
So let’s go to some Q&As.
Why did I choose Annie’s cardmaker kit club?
I wanted to learn some techniques on card making and also have a project that I didn’t have to plan myself. I wanted inspiration, tools, and expertise to guide me through the card making process.
What’s included in the card making kit?
It’s different each month, but typically a kit comes with:
- An instruction booklet with several sample card designs
- A variety of color coordinated printed paper
- Ephemera such as pre-scored shapes, words, and images, brads, ribbons, etc.
- Acrylic stamps
- Stamp pads in colors that coordinate with the papers
- I’ve also received stencils, adhesive foam, and stickers

Did I learn something useful in the process?
I learned a few new things, and relearned a few things. I learned how to make a “shakeable” card, where you create a shape and then adhere to a plastic sheet on the front and then add a backing with foam, and add sequins or other shiny things inside. That was kind of fun, but probably not something I’d want to do all that often.

Do you need other materials other than what comes in the kit?
A paper cutter would be useful, and you need some kind of adhesive. I’ve used glue sticks, but I’ve since realized that tape runners work great for most things. Other than that, pretty much everything else is included.
Did I save money, time, or effort as opposed to doing it myself?
In my experience, most of the time craft kits don’t actually save you money, but they do make it more convenient. This was the case with this card making kit.
How could Annie’s Cardmaker Kit be improved?
My biggest disappointment was the lack of tips and tricks and a walk through of the project. Perhaps I’ve been spoiled by the crochet kit, but in that one the designer walks through every single step. It’s nice and relaxed and I feel like I have the support to make it work right. This kit in comparison seemed skimpy on directions. I would have loved a video that walked through all the materials and then showed different options for how to do each part, so you could customize each card to your taste.
Material kits are great, but the best kits show you how to make the most of those materials by teaching you different techniques and how to customize.
Who is the Annie’s Cardmaker Kit best for?
I think the kit is best for people who just want to try something fun without having to think too much about it. You get some nice supplies, and a little inspiration. I think total beginners would be ok with the kit, though they should pay close attention to the directions so they don’t make mistakes like I did.