5 Things to Get Done Around Your House Now
I will be the first to admit that cleaning is not my super power. I have a high tolerance for chaos and my abundance of hobbies typically results in a Sunday afternoon of “de-craftifying” the house.” And though I’m nearing AARP age, I’m still not that good at “adulting” – so don’t say Gen Xers and Millennials have nothing in common!
However, home ownership requires maintenance and upkeep. Since I hate doing this stuff, I try to get it all done at certain points of the year – and spring cleaning is one of them. You won’t find a mile-long checklist of spring cleaning perfection here (who has time for that?), but you will find a manageable spring cleaning checklist for homeowners who are bad at adulting – like me!
Here in Maine, winter is long, and hard, and long, and hard. So we really look forward to spring! Outdoor gardening doesn’t really start till mid May or early June, but in April the sun is higher in the sky, the evenings are lighter, and we’re all slowly coming out of hibernation (often a big doughier around the middle). I’m starting to feel ready to tackle a project that doesn’t involve yarn and my couch, so I find it’s a great time to get the house in order.
I know you’d rather be making the perfect cup of tea or getting inspiration for your bathroom makeover, but sometimes your home needs your attention. So let’s get started.
1. Clean or replace the filters in your appliances
Replace or wash all of your filters and parts. So many things have a filter these days… microwaves, refrigerators, cat water fountains, air cleaners, humidifiers. I’m bad at replacing these, but I do make sure to do it at least a few times a year. I just ordered a new filter for my fridge – so my ice is nice and clean (important!). The microwave filter, I just took out and rinsed and replaced since it wasn’t dirty at all, but I feel like I should get a gold star for doing it anyway.
Also – now’s a great time to rinse out your dishwasher. Take out the filter, rinse all the gunk out, and then add vinegar and water and run a cycle to clean everything out. Here’s a step by step guide from the smart folks at Architectural Digest. They say to do it twice a year.

And you do know about the dryer, right? Clean the lint filter out after every use. You’d be surprised how many people don’t know to do this… in fact, I was 26 until I did! For spring cleaning, clean out the screen that vents to the outside. This can get really gunked up and can even be a fire hazard. Plus, it makes your dryer less efficient when it isn’t clean. If you’re noticing that your clothes aren’t dry, check it out!
Your showerhead. If you live anywhere that has any type of mineral deposits in the water, you’re going to want to degunk your shower head. I like to occasionally just run my fingers over the nozzles and remove any deposits, but you can also soak it in vinegar and water. You’ll be amazed at how much difference this can make! One popular way to do this is to get a watertight ziplock bag and rubber band it to the showerhead. Add vinegar to the bag so it covers the nozzles on the shower head and let it sit for a few hours. Then, turn the water on so rinse the vinegar off. Voila!
2. Prep for Emergencies

Replace light bulbs, clean out the dead bugs in your light fixtures (how on earth do they get in there!?) and check the batteries in your smoke detectors. Test your fire extinguisher (you have one, right?) and replace if needed. Do you have a fire ladder in case of fire? You may never need it, but it’s nice to know you have it! I keep mine in the upstairs bathroom closet and feel better knowing that if ever there is a fire, I can wrangle up the pets and descend from the top story safely (so keep a pet carrier on your upper levels as well). Also go through your first aid kit or medicine cabinet and throw out any expired medications, and restock where needed. This is insurance – you may never need it, but do it anyway. It will make you feel very grown up and responsible.
3. Do That Once Yearly Dusting.
If you’re not a regular duster, this is a great time of year to go over all of your pictures, ledges, baseboards, ceiling fans, lighting fixtures and remove the dust. Once spring hits, we have our windows open and fans on, and the last thing I want is old dust blowing around the house.
4. Get Rid of Clothes You Don’t Wear (but keep the things you love)
Now is also a great time to go through your winter clothes. If you didn’t wear it this year, give it to Goodwill or your nearest homeless shelter. I keep trying to work toward only buying things I love, but somehow I still end up with a ton of clothes that don’t make me feel good or look good. So I just get rid of them in order to stop feeling guilty about not wearing them. If you have the time or energy to sell them, try Poshmark or thredUP and you could even make a few extra bucks.
There is nothing more satisfying than a drawer or closet full of clothes you love. And some space for them to move (oh how I hate crowded drawers). Crowded just equals chaos. Caveat: it’s ok to keep stuff you love but don’t wear, as long as they make you happy. I have tons of cool shoes that I love to look at but I never wear. Like sky-high heels, and Miss Fisher T-straps. It’s silly but I don’t care. I try them on every once in a while and strut around in them just for kicks.

5. Get Your Outdoor Spaces in Order
Finally, start to get your outdoor spaces in order. It may still be too early to garden, but you can take down the stakes in your driveway for the plow guy (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, you don’t live in Maine and I hate you). Sweep off your front porch, put the snow shovels away, and get your patio or screened in porch vacuumed up. Spring is coming! Get ready for it. Before long, we’ll be drinking Sauvignon Blanc on the porch and loving life. Take a big breath of fresh, cool air while you’re at it. We got this!